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game bird 獵鳥,獵禽,法律許可捕獵的鳥類。

game breaker

Guinness was the brainchild of hugh beaver , former managing director of the guinness brewery . in 1951 , he was out shooting in ireland and got into an argument about whether the golden plover ranked as europe ' s fastest game bird 創建吉尼斯世界紀錄的想法來源于吉尼斯酒廠前董事長休比弗。 1951年,比弗在愛爾蘭打獵時與同行者爭論哪種鳥是歐洲飛得最快的鳥, 3年后他們還在爭論這個問題。

Guinness was the brainchild of hugh beaver , former managing director of the guinness brewery . in 1951 , he was out shooting in ireland and got into an argument about whether the golden plover ranked as europe s fastest game bird 創建吉尼斯世界紀錄的想法來源于吉尼斯酒廠前董事長休比弗。 1951年,比弗在愛爾蘭打獵時與同行者爭論哪種鳥是歐洲飛得最快的鳥, 3年后他們還在爭論這個問題。

Fun fun little game bird to the watering , it is interesting only it was gold . . . should lovely bird may die of starvation . mouse control 給小鳥喂水的趣趣小游戲,很有意思的喲!可不要把可愛的小鳥餓死了。鼠標控制。

Game shooting is strictly controlled and state - assisted restocking programmes augment stocks of wild game birds 這里嚴格控制狩獵,由國家資助的再儲存計劃增加野生獵禽的存量。

It is an excellent wine to accompany dishes with red meats , especially game birds and animals 配餐建議:這是一款配合紅肉飲用的極佳的葡萄酒,特別是野味的鳥和其他動物。

A wild game bird , such as a duck , goose , or quail 野禽,獵鳥一種野生的獵鳥,如野鴨、野鵝或鵪鶉

Shooting is the killing of game birds , deer and other animals for sport . 打獵指獵殺野鳥、鹿及其他動物的體育活動。

Game birds are very cannibalistic under any circumstances . 斗雞在任何情況下都是非常殘忍的。